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biosecurity check-in form

our farm lies on the unesco biosphere reserve and we seek to reduce negative impact to this delicate eco-system
we have adopted federally-mandated biosecurity measures for safety during every stage of our growing, production and sales process
we ask that all visitors comply with these biosecurity initiatives

provide your contact information

what is the purpose of the biosecurity check-in form?

despite our best, most proactive efforts, we recognize that incidents can occur: invasive pests and/or pathogens can unknowingly be carried onto our farm which could lead to damaged crops and pose a potential threat to public health.

we want to take every measure possible to protect our delicate ecosystem and employ methods outlined in the National Voluntary Farm-Level Biosecurity Standard for the Greenhouse, Nursery and Floriculture Sectors

our commitment to you

information submitted via this form will be used specifically for contact tracing in case contamination occurs.  we ask all visitors to the farm to provide their contact information.

contact information provided will be used exclusively for this specific purpose and will never be used for marketing purposes, shared or sold to third parties.

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