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the great vapour caper continues

Posted in Botanicals, Markets, Products and People

the great vapour caper continues

every breath you take

gentle reader, we have some difficult territory to cover. we are about to embark on a journey that will examine physics, botanical truths, dirty deeds done, important knowledge suppressed and, hopefully, earn the common sense to rectify a great injustice that continues to taint modern herbal medicine today. the whole subject is so immense and overwhelming yet i feel so compelled to tackle this monumental task. and i shall! bit by bit, thought by thought, uncomfortable moment by uncomfortable moment we will try to wade through and maybe, just maybe, correct some historical wrongs.

my interest in vapour began as i broke new ground in canada by being the first to commercially create hydrosols from the botanicals grown on our farm. creating hydrosols is done through a process called vapour distillation: water vapour when it co-mingles with the vapour emitted from fresh plant material creates a 100% true plant signature. it is the purest way to create a plant extraction.

imagine living before 'modern' medicine. envision the wonder of seeing vapour in its different forms: fog, steam, breath. historically, visible vapour was given great spiritual and medicinal reverence by the peoples who first roamed this land. the emphasis on vapour, the immersion and inhalation of it, meant that the lungs and skin were the portals for healing. today, 'modern' medicine relies on lab-created concoctions being taken orally or injected into the body therefore distributed through the body via the blood stream. 

if ancient peoples existed quite healthily and happily inhaling their medicine for hundreds of years why did it change so radically leaving the void where we are now? why are the traditions and generational knowledge that served humans so well now shrouded in highly negative semantics and ridicule? well, what we will discover as we go along is that is wasn't for a lack of trying. we will be throwing lots of darts at our desired target in our investigation and evaluating the same old tyrants of greed, jealousy and politics. i'm going to provide ringside seats for you all to evaluate the information for yourselves and perhaps, together, we can correct the injustice and prejudice that has tainted this bygone yet noble medicine. at the very least, i hope to remove the unjust and suppressive semantics that surrounds this subject all these years later which continues as a hinderance of our ability to enjoy it today.

for a better version of this video, please check out our instagram @vauxhallgardensgrimsby

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